+261 32 11 261 85  cmm@mineschamber.mg



President's word

Ten years, already !!!!!A few weeks ago, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the start of production of AMBATOVY. With a total cost of more than US$8 billion, the AMBATOVY Project represents the largest Foreign Direct Investment ever made in MADAGASCAR, as well as one of the largest in sub-Saharan Africa over the past 30 years.Beyond these figures, AMBATOVY, as well as Q.M.M., have always been f…


Our Missions

Contribute to the establishment of better governance

In all aspects of the management of the mining sector, we seek to make prevail: the rules of transparency, probity and fairness and respect for the law. We promote inclusive dialogue for mutual understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the mining sector to create an enabling environment for the development of the sector and the country.

Contribute to economic recovery and poverty reduction

We seek to improve the investment climate through the establishment of legal and fiscal stability as well as by improving trust between the various players. We want to promote Corporate Social Responsibility with a view to Sustainable Development and increase the contribution of the sector to the economy by promoting Local Content.

Ensuring the representativeness of the mining industry in Madagascar

The Chamber will continue its efforts to strengthen its representativeness. We will continue to open up to international perspectives and develop our relationships with all stakeholders in order to make CMM the platform for exchanging practices and experiences of the highest standards.


Our organization

The Chamber of Mines of Madagascar (CMM) is a private law association created by industrial mining companies. We bring together mining companies and companies operating in related and neighboring sectors.

The supreme body of the Chamber of Mines is the General Assembly composed of all its members. This Assembly elects for a term of three years the Directors responsible for implementing the strategic orientations of the Association. The Executive Secretariat ensures the daily operation of the Chamber.

Being a member of the Chamber implies active participation in the activities of the Association. Each member company is obliged to join at least one work commission of its choice.


12 000


Ar 1147 billion

Tax revenue

+ 3 billion USD

Local purchase

+ 1900

Local suppliers